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Why Are My Windows Moldy?

Out of all of the common problems a homeowner deals with, mold might be the most jarring. It’s gross, it kind of smells, and it can absolutely ruin cellulose-based products. Normally, mold only really pops up in places we would expect—bathrooms, basement, an old roast beef we forgot to toss out. But what do you do when mold shows up on or even in your windows? How did it get there? And most importantly, how can you stop it? Answers to this and more coming up from the experts at APCO!

Why Are My Windows Moldy?

Firstly, it might surprise you to find out that mold, or more namely mold spore, is actually really, really common. It’s present in small amounts in the air pretty much always, as many of those who have a mold allergy can attest to. Why mold shows up in places we don’t want it is due to a presence of moisture, which, combined with wood surfaces or even the dust in the air in your home is the catalyst mold needs to get a foothold and begin growing full-force.

So why is mold plaguing your windows? There are two big causes and both deal with moisture:

  1. Your home is too humid. If the air in your home is too moist it can begin to create moisture buildup in many places throughout the home, including your windows. This can also be an issue when heating the home if you’re windows are too cold, a problem that can occur in the winter. Often the solution here is to just control your humidity levels using dehumidifiers or by adjusting the temperature in your home.
  2. Your windows are damaged or exposed to moisture. Any form of water intrusion can lead to mold growth on your windows. The type of damage present often corresponds to where the mold grows. For instance, mold along sills would indicate an insecure sash or a window that isn’t sealing properly when closed. The bad news here is you’ll probably need to look into either window repair, or a complete window replacement to banish the issue.

Mold can also begin forming between window panes if you have double or triple paned windows. If you have mold between panes, the seals have become compromised, which will mean you need to seek a professional for the best solution.

How Do I Remove Mold?

In order to eliminate mold from a window effectively, thoroughness and speed are key. Mold spreads extremely quickly and can do serious harm to wood and even hardier materials. As soon as you identify mold, be sure to remove it completely, thoroughly dry the affected area, and then locate the root of your mold issue.

To safely remove mold from windows, there are tons of products out there and many of them do a great job. But honestly, the best solution lies in a bit of warm water mixed with a small amount of bleach. Paired with a stiff brush and a clean cloth, you’ll be mold free pretty quickly. Just be sure to dry the area thoroughly to reduce the risk of a second outbreak.

Window Replacement in Columbus, OH with APCO

Fed up with you’re mold-plagued windows? Call on the team at APCO to get a top-class window replacement! Our experts can help you find the perfect window solution for your Columbus home. And you might even see some additional benefits of replacing your windows, too!

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